
Redooo, a digital waste disposal platform, connects waste disposal companies with private and commercial customers. Private individuals or professionals can order the disposal of their rubble and waste directly from the construction site via the website or an app. Registered waste disposal partners take over the collection and thus benefit from additional customer orders.
The Redooo mobile app and the web application were developed by Hyand Solutions within six months. The approach was completely agile. To better illustrate the needs of the users, the entire ordering process of a container was mapped using story mapping. This ensured optimal communication between all project participants and created a contextual basis for the developers. The challenges in the project were the high number of automated deliveries in consistently high quality without downtimes, as well as mapping the technical quality assurance in the Scrum process.
The disposal platform runs on an Azure cloud in which a fully automated CI chain with Gitlab has been installed. From the initial code through various test procedures to the production system, an executable system can be created virtually at the touch of a button. Without this fully automated procedure, it would not have been possible to go live in such a short time. New features were tested and approved several times a day. As soon as one of the features was ready, it went into production.
To ensure requirements such as high availability and scalability, a monolithic structure is no longer suitable today. Hyand therefore relies on a future-proof architecture concept with microservices. Here, individual processes such as ordering a container are defined as a service. Each of these services is housed in a Docker container. A Kubernetes cluster manages all Docker containers. If a container cannot be reached, the cluster automatically starts a new instance. The test-driven development with over 80 percent test coverage and continuous expansion of the test levels up to UI automation, as well as the technically documented tests and the risk-based UI automation tests ensure high availability. In addition, services can be added and shut down at any time, ensuring a high degree of flexibility and scalability. The architecture is structured in such a way that the sender and receiver no longer need to know each other. The individual services communicate via Apache Kafka, which reduces complexity. In addition, the decoupling of the services means that they can work at different speeds and the overall cluster becomes more scalable.
The distributed architecture of the system requires appropriate monitoring. Traditional monitoring refers to the files and applications on a fixed server. In the Kubernetes world, however, services are monitored in containers on any host. The containers can be restarted on another host at any time. This is why Hyand Solutions uses the Prometheus and Grafana applications in this project. Prometheus is used to store the cluster's metrics, while Grafana is responsible for visualization and triggering alerts. The most important functions of the applications are regularly run automatically in order to check their constant availability and functionality.

"The future is digital, and that also applies to recycling and resource management. With Hyand, we were able to gain an innovative company that implemented our vision in setting up the back office system and developing the smartphone app in the way we wanted. Together with other specialized partners, we have created an online platform that sets new standards in the waste management industry. All the companies involved can be justifiably proud of this."
Christoph Haub
Managing Director of Redooo
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